
Feed aggregator

A feed aggregator is a software program or online platform that brings together different kinds of web content in a single interface.

Also known as an RSS reader, a feed aggregator is a handy tool that makes it easy to consult RSS feeds from a variety of sources. It provides a list of articles from blogs and news sites, as well as videos and podcasts from pre-selected sources.

Users can select the sources they wish to follow and receive the latest content in real time.

As a general rule, the feed aggregator offers a list of titles with summaries for quick browsing of newly published content. You can then click on a feed to go directly to the site on which the content was published, allowing you to view the article in its entirety.

Thanks to this tool, users can save time in their daily reading of news or specialized articles from their favorite sources.

No need to go from site to site looking for the latest news: the feed aggregator brings together all content of potential interest to the user in a single interface.

Feed aggregators are also widely used by businesses and digital marketers. They make it possible to carry out strategic, technological, or competitive intelligence that’s both fast and efficient.

All you have to do is select the sources you want to follow (blogs, specialized sites, competitor sites, etc.) or keywords related to the desired theme.

At a glance, you'll be able to access important information, saving you a considerable amount of time.

Some feed aggregators also offer options for sharing articles via social media networks or email. This makes it even easier for companies to communicate digitally.

There are a number of free and paid solutions on the market. These include Hootsuite, the well-known social network management tool that also includes a feed aggregator. Feedly is another well-known RSS feed reader, with a high-performance free version. You can also use extensions compatible with the main browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.) to make it easier to consult your favorite websites.

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