
C2B (Consumer to Business)

C2B, or CtoB, stands for "consumer to business" and refers to commercial exchanges initiated by the consumer for the benefit of a business.

This type of business model, which puts a consumer in touch with a company and which is opposed to the traditional B2C (business to consumer), can generate remuneration from the company, but this isn’t always the case.

These new relationships between consumers and businesses have become possible due to the advent of the internet and social media.

Digital technology and new information and communication technology (ICT) make it easy for professionals to connect with consumers and establish new commercial relationships.

Several types of activities fall under the C2B category, such as:

  • Writing consumer reviews and testimonials: These are typically posted on social media, websites, etc. and may sometimes be rewarded with payment or incentives (gifts, discounts, etc.)
  • Crowdsourcing: Businesses create products, services, or communication campaigns in collaboration with consumers, with or without compensation.
  • Participating in surveys: These can be paid or unpaid and allow professionals to collect opinions for developing new products or marketing strategies.

Consumer feedback and testimonials play a crucial role in C2B. This can take various forms beyond simply posting reviews, such as a blogger writing an article about a specific product, a consumer providing detailed product feedback after receiving samples, or a YouTube influencer creating an unboxing video.

The growth of C2B is closely tied to the internet and social media, where the relationship between consumers and brands is facilitated, allowing individuals to take back the power.

Consumers are more involved in the design of products and services available in the market. This approach enables the marketing of increasingly personalized products and services that meet consumer expectations.

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